• Histograms

    Here’s something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.

  • Important Object Ownership Management

    GeneralROOT will help you manage some objects, but others should be managed by yourself. When a histogram, a TTree or a TEventList is created, it is added by default to the list of objects in the c...
  • ROOT File .root

    GeneralROOT files contain C++ objects that are stored to disk. You can open files when starting ROOT 1$ root file.root CreateCreate ROOT file by 1std::unique_ptr<TFile> myFile( TFile::Open("...
  • Executing Macros or Functions

    Easy ways: 1$ root MacroName.C 1root [0] .x MacroName.C (sometimes .so is also available. See here .) Or you can load macro first and use function in it: 12root [0] .L MacroName.Croot [1] MacroNa...
  • Naming Conventions and General Variables

    Naming ConventionsROOT classes begin with TExamples: TLine, TTreeT is “Type” or “Template”, to represent classes in ROOT. Non-class types end with _tExample: Int_t_t is “type”. Data members begin w...
  • A&C_task 1.6

    Tasks 现有一探测器用于测量宇宙线事例,已知触发率约为60 Hz,而探测器的死时间为 3 ms,求事例堆积的概率 下面代码给定一宇宙线的触发事例能谱,以及从中挑选满足一定条件的用于分析的事例能谱,画出不同能段的效率 示例代码: 12345678910111213141516void test(){int num=100;//存储的原始触发事例能谱 bin 从 0-100TH1D* ...
  • A&C_task 1.5

    Tasks 完善task 1.4 中的作业。上一次的基本内容如下: 共享文件中所有A_B格式的TH1D直方图(A:0-191; B:0-5)为1152个320微米厚硅微条探测器对宇宙线粒子的响应(可以认为相同的输入),选用合适的函数拟合,并计算不同探测器的增益系数(使不同探测器对相同输入实现相同的输出幅度) 了解泊松过程、泊松分布的性质和应用。例如泊松分布其他分布的关系、误差、对计算效率...
  • Group Discussion 1:Time Series Analysis Premier

    Here’s something encrypted, password is required to continue reading.

  • A&C_task 1.4

    Tasks共享文件中所有A_B格式的TH1D直方图(A:0-191; B:0-5)为1152个320微米厚硅微条探测器对宇宙线粒子的响应(可以认为相同的输入),选用合适的函数拟合,并计算不同探测器的增益系数(使不同探测器对相同输入实现相同的输出幅度) 分享文件:9.09科创[文件夹] 云盘链接:https://pan.cstcloud.cn/s/bv3DxWHbQVE 密码:he3y 过期时...
  • A&C_task 1.3

    Tasks1、从下面的链接中下载root文件,打开其中的”r_strip(TH2D)”,选取X方向前5个bin,将其投影到Y方向作为新的”TH1D”,这是粒子经过300微米硅微条探测器收集到的信号,指出其服从什么分布并拟合,并以论文的标准作图。 提示1:投影操作选取前5个的代码为r_strip projectionY(””,5,0) 提示2:提示1也许不那么可靠 提示3:作图可以参考分享文...